Monday, October 1, 2007

Welcome to the Party...

Greetings Readers,

This is the Official Blog for all things about my series of stories and novels set in the world of "Sin-City Walker". Here you'll get the updates on progress of future stories, publications and more info on all the characters and locations within the neon-light-and-shadow world that John Walker inhabits. As well, you'll get to hear small bits and bytes about myself (though I promise to keep those down to a minimum).

So, with that said, On with the show:

[Publication News]

"Sin-City Walker: Two of a Kind", the first John Walker novel is now available from as a 279 page paperback book. For 15.99 USD, you can buy your copy today and begin your journey into the world of John Walker and his unique slant on life, love and the dark places between the neon lights of Las Vegas. You can go here for more info : .

The first independent short story of the SCW Universe, "Blood Red Jade" received its first rejection this past weekend, so it will go back into circulation for a new prospective market. Will post new progress as it comes in.

[Writing Progress]

The second novel in the ongoing saga of John Walker -- titled "The Royale Treatment" -- is in progress as we speak. I'll be posting a running word count with every future Blog post, as well as possible teasers, to whet your appetite for next chapter.

5200 / 80000 words. 7% done!

That is all for this first entry... so keep your eyes peeled for the next entry coming to a desktop or laptop near you! Until then, keep your hands on the table and never take the hard pushes, kids.

-- Stephen

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