Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Progress... DEFINETELY Progress!

[Publishing News]

Well, the good news is "Two of A Kind" passed the distribution standards, and is now listed on the major bookseller sites out there.

YES! We're global, kids! Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders and the whole lot! You can find my novel by typing my full name in the search fields. Of course you can buy the book through these sites -- it's the same price, 16 USD -- or you can come to Lulu.com and buy it there. I've included a buy-it link here on this journal, to make it easier.

As well, good news on the future publishing projects of ARTWerks Books, in that the tax man came and gave me back nearly all of the taxes I paid out last year. So that means it will be full speed ahead for the next book "Pacifica Skies" as well as "The Royale Treatment".

[Writing Progress]

On that note, "The Royale Treatment" got the most love this past week, as it is slowly picking up speed and will probably see Chapter 2 finished by this week's end. I blame Patricia Briggs and her book "Blood Bound" for helping me get over the hump. Her book gave me some much needed inspiration.

Well, that's all for now, kids. So, keep your hands above the table and don't take any 'pushes'!

-- Stephen

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