Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Progress, After a Fashion, Pt. 2...

Well, some progress made, but more on the organizational front (since I'm notorious for being sloppy with my files at times).

I've sorted all of my current fiction progress -- separating these key files from all the "chaff" that's been collecting in my Fiction folder -- and put them in a new file that will become the central one I work from to complete my backlog of work unfinished. As it currently stands, I have 3 novels, 2 planned anthologies and a short list of short fiction to work on... should be enough to see me through the year, and give me plenty of incentive to finish up and get some work out there circulating in the markets.

For those that wish to, you can follow along with the Worklist over on the right side of this blog (under my list of links).

Now, with that done... on with the show! As always,
keep your hands on the table and never take the hard pushes, kids.

-- Stephen

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