Sunday, October 21, 2007

Getting Ready for another NaNo

Yes, kids... it's that time of year again.

The National Novel Writing Month event is gearing up again, and this year I hope to make it a hat-trick. I've been a participant for the past three years, and this year I hope to make three in a row after completing the run of 50K words two years straight.

No surprise, I'll be using "The Royale Treatment" as the vehicle for this years run. But getting those first fifty-thousand words will be key to getting me to that 80,000 goal for the overall length of the novel.

You can find my participant page HERE. If you are a participant, add me to your buddy list so we can keep tabs on each other's progress.

Will be updating more progress and news as it comes. So, until next time,
keep your hands on the table and avoid the hard pushes, kids.

-- Stephen

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