Wednesday, October 31, 2007

News, NaNo and the End of October

Well, kids... October is ending with a Tropical Storm threatening, and hopefully when he heads off into the Atlantic it will take the writing doldrums with it. Because with October's passing, it's time to get set to do the 50K word sprint to December... that's right, National Novel Writing Month is here again!

Considering the last time I participated, my entry ended up becoming my first published novel... let's see if I can keep the streak going (to make it 3 times won, and 2 novels published in a row).

And with that:

[Publishing News]

The last print proof copy of "Two of A Kind" arrived tonight, and it did pass final muster (no major errors left, everything lined up and formated properly, etc.). So I am happy to report that I gave it the final approval step on Lulu, and now it has to go through the other side of the approval process for distribution. In 2-3 weeks, I'll know if the printers have any major problems that need to be corrected -- I pray not! -- and then, in 8 weeks by the most I should see the book listed on book seller sights like Amazon, Barnes & Borders.

Of course you can still buy the book on Lulu, but hearing that the book can be bought on the big book selling sites will be so great!

[Writing Progress]

There's been some prep progress for "The Royale Treatment", in getting ready for NaNo. For the most part, expect a leap out of the gate, and I hope to maintain an average of 2,000-3,000 words a day. Just watch this space for further updates!

And with that, I'll close this for now. So,
keep your hands on the table and never take the hard pushes, kids.

-- Stephen

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