Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Well, best to apologize before anything else... sorry for the lack of updates, but the later part of 2007 did not go as planned. To just summarize, I got sick just prior to Thanksgiving -- which forced me to take a two-week stay in the local hospital -- got told before my discharge that I have Type-2 Diabetes, was unable to complete my participation in NaNoWriMo, and had somewhat of a lackluster Christmas.

But, I am adjusting to life A.D. (After Diagnosis), and I hope to get everything back on track in the new year.

Basically, that means I will still be working on "The Royale Treatment", as well as the novel I started for NaNo -- "Pacifica Skies". While my focus here on the blog here will be on all things SCW, you will be hearing more news on the other books and projects in the works.

So, with that, here's hoping everyone has a great 2008!
So, keep your hands on the table and never take the hard pushes, kids.

-- Stephen

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